New Birth in Robbyn’s “Nest”

Robbyn German (IMS ’02) has been the director of a small Education center in Sherman, CT for the past 20 years.  She calls her center “Robbyn’s Nest”, which has been working to apply IMS technology with children, always in the face of beliefs and philosophy that conflict in the surrounding culture.

Recently, she reported a certain “new birth” experience with a new three year old child who started to pull her CD player off the shelf at the center.  Robbyn over reacted a little bit, shouting out, “That is Miss Robbyn’s!”.  Looking back at this scenario, she realized that the better response would have been to use the scenario as a learning experience, to show the child how to use the CD under her careful guidance.

Robby  reports that these positive learning experiences are more common now, and that her program is  up to 3 days a week, and that both students and parents are growing and learning.  She says, “It makes me feel special when children leave happy and cannot wait to return.”


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