Elementary (6-12) level

The Elementary Level (6-12) course essentially extends the primary level course work to prepare the student for effective Montessori teaching with the 6-12 year old child. “Cosmic Education” — the total interrelated functioning of the universe — is the basic approach for addressing the academic subject matter of elementary level Montessori education.

The Elementary Level course is open only to individuals who have completed the Montessori Primary Level (2-6) course.

The following documents provide substantial details about the elementary level course content and format itself:

Course Catalog Download PDF
Instructions to apply, course content summary, procedures, tuition, credit, certification



Syllabus – Elementary Download PDF
Summary of course content



Enrollment Application
To enroll, submit the enrollment contract and entrance test, which you can download here below. [NOTE: This course is only available for those who have graduated from the IMS primary level (2-6) course] Send by regular mail to IMS, 9525 Georgia Ave., #200, Silver Spring, MD 20910, or as attachments to IMS email address: havis@imsmontessori.org. Make initial tuition payment at the “pay now” button below. Initial fee is $70 registration plus $70 book fee (add $40 shipping for delivery outside the United States.

Enrollment Contract-elem-2019

Entrance Test

Tuition and Fees (describe; pay below)