Month: June 2024

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Character Teaching in Latin America

    Character Teaching in Latin America

    by Lee Havis      The Character Teaching (CT) project began in 2000 when I encountered poor working children in the streets of a small town in Mexico, right on the […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: New CT Board Member in Uganda

    New CT Board Member in Uganda

    In June 2024, the Character Teaching (CT) consultation board in Uganda welcomed new member, Irene Nakalembe, to serve with Caroline Mpyisi in this project to employ scientific teaching to overcome […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: IMS in Nigeria

    IMS in Nigeria

    Evelyn Onyeka (IMS ’22) Children at Joyful Haarlem Academy      In Asaba, Nigeria, Evelyn Onyekonwu (IMS ’22), has been busy since completing the IMS distance learning course in scientific education.  […]